Auto Insurance Secrets for taking the cheap rate from insurance

Auto Insurance Secrets for taking the cheap rate from insurance

Some people do not pay much attention to car insurance, and I guess it's all about the same, but they are so wrong. The most important thing to mind is that all these insurance companies are very wishful for your work. It is not obvious, and then there is some internal information but revealed by insurance agents who work in the minds of the commission, so you get the most from you is your goal.

These guidelines are not concerned
Negotiation is key when working with an insurance agent who loves to haggle and the final outcome is that they are happy, and with its new policy. Of course there are so many variables to consider here are some examples:

1. Gender: Women usually get offered a cheaper rate; I bet you did not know.

2. Age: The car insurance for older teens and are considered high risk, causing a higher rate.

3. Accidents: the marks on their record of most ammunition used to charge more.

4. Marital status: Married people can benefit from lower costs and premiums.

5 . Postal Code: If you live in a high-crime city, the rate will be higher.

Work home at a distance are also included, since they carry more risk the more you are getting into an accident, how long you have been driving, and the vehicle will be used for (corporate, commercial?) And rates autoinsurance by the state is very much in mind.

But the most decisive factor is the make and model of the 2-door sports cars and SUVs are high risks and greater cost no matter what and if they are "exotic" that will be very expensive. One method to keep these rates down is to make sure the car has an alert system and other security features such as antilock brakes.
If you are looking for the bottom of the rock absolute cheapest car insurance then follow these steps:

* Your driver's grant tell, "safe driver".

* Muti-car discounts can save up to 2o% of the total.

* Door 4 cars are cheaper to insure.

* Homeowners can opt for such an offer.

* Security - alarm systems, antilock brakes, parked at night.

With all these considerations that you know what you're up against, be sure to tell your insurance agent about all these things that can save you money. If you are going to ensure first-time driver or teen, be sure to take a safety course for drivers as they may be able to save 10% or more.

Remember to negotiate and not be afraid to most agents are very cooperative and will work hard to get a fair rate as you are a potential customer long ago. Talk to them on the phone when you request a quote, sell a budget car insurance online can be just as productive, but if you want it fast and then do it all in one phone call where you can get an idea of ​​its agent and make a connection like that matters considerably and has been lost in recent years due to the convenience of the Internet. So the big secret here is to really talk to your agent!
By: EsamPim


Smart car insurance telematics for good drivers

The development of telematics systems has meant great advances in the field of security and response processes of road accidents. But also within the scope of the insurance industry, offering good conductors savings of up to 40 percent of their annual premiums. Download here elEconomista Insurance magazine.

From October 2015, all cars and vans made in the area of ​​the European Union incorporated in their equipment an emergency device or eCall device. Something that previously only happened in some high-end cars.

The eCall device recognizes through sensors that a crash has occurred and activates an emergency call at the time. This call is launched through the mobile phone network. In Spain, the DGT receive and filter the calls, and go after 112.

The device, launching an emergency call while sending a message called MSD, i.e., a minimum set of data as the exact position of the crashed car, sense of journey, vehicle model, etc.

The operator receiving the emergency call may contact the occupants from the vehicle and details. If the occupants could not speak, the information received will be the MSD. A fast and efficient system. The DGT estimates that, thanks to this emergency system, will be a reduction of around 5 percent of the number of deaths from road accidents, about 1,500 lives in Europe, and 6 percent for the severity of the injuries .

Telematics and insurance

The development of platforms and mobile networks enables telematics apply to everyday life. That is where the insurance companies have seen an ally to offer new products and services. In Spain, these policies are still novel when compared with the acceptance cone countries already have in the United States or Italy. In 2007, Mapfre began marketing this product, and few are the companies that have joined, as Generali Insurance and Zurich Insurance.

How does it work? You must install the telematics device in the vehicle. This does not imply a loss of vehicle warranty, or interfere with the operation of the engine, so it is one hundred percent safe and reliable, and the insurer itself is responsible for installation. From Mapfre highlight the great progress that these devices have experienced in the last seven years.

The device sends a series of data on driving habits. The insurer collects and analyzes: an hour in which -day or night-kilometers performed, drive mode, that is, the usual driving speed, if you drive more or less abruptly, etc. With these data, configure a driver profile and will apply some discounts that can reach 40 percent of what you would pay with a conventional policy.

Thanks to the Machine to Machine technology car device connects to a private cloud service that collects data with the complete privacy driver. According to Jorge Fernandez Santin, area director of Generali Insurance Auto, "the data is fully protected and is intended to adapt the premium to how and how much you use the vehicle, and to provide security services for both your vehicle and the driver and occupants." Juan Ramon Vendrell, Customer Area, Marketing and Distribution of Zurich Group in usa, adding that "the aim of this technology is not, in any case, to control."

Coverage and services

Customization is one of the greatest features of this insurance. During the first months of the contract premiums with the analysis of data collected Driving adapts to each driver are agreed. According to Santin, Generali Insurance, "this has led, given the fierce competition that characterizes the insurance market, that in recent years we live in a price war unprecedented in the business." Beyond there is an exceptional range of services that add value to these products.

The type of driver who is interested in this type of policy is a regular user of the latest advances in mobile technology: Smartphone, tablet, PC, apps, etc. Mapfre classifies a segment of active customers in the Internet search.

With the telematics system, the driver can access the same data as the insurer collected. And thanks to the geolocation the car is located at all times. Very useful in case of theft or to enjoy a roadside assistance 100 percent effective. The device will launch a SOS message in case of an accident. Like the call.

The big winners

Young people are the main beneficiaries. Being young does not mean being a bad driver. Clothes do not make the man, and, in this case, can be a good driver with 20 years and 55 bad drivers.

Along with younger drivers, the stakeholders in this type of policy is the parents who share the car with their children, who rarely use the car and walk a few kilometers-avoiding the temptation to move without the mandatory insurance, and of course , good drivers. In addition, some companies, such as Zurich Insurance, offer this type of insurance to companies with fleets of vehicles to get around.

This is insurance that is having some acceptance rates and very high loyalty. According to studies by Generali Seguros about their buyer, these technological advancement particularly valued as "the e-button, which activates emergency protocol and assistance in case of accident or other problem, pressing a button," or that "rewards responsible driving in the insurance bonus." And despite the payment is not considered a low-cost product as it provides guarantees and value-added services first class.
By: EsamPim


Password to choose a safe car

Simulated crash tests help determine whether a car will protect you well for a real shock. The following organizations do simulated crash tests and give a grade to the Court:
Every year, the National Administration of Road Traffic Safety (English) tests for front and side crash protection and measures the vehicles offer their occupants. NHTSA (for its acronym in English) assesses protection mechanisms for each car as airbags and seatbelts. You can also call toll-free 1-888-327-4236 and press 2 to speak with a representative in Spanish.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (in English) performs a different test consisting of a frontal impact with side to assess the protection provided by the structure of the auto-scroll. You can also call 703-247-1500 to request a publication in Spanish.
Consumer Reports publishes an annual report that evaluates thoroughly the security of cars. The periodical gives a security appreciation that combines the results of the tests simulated the characteristics of the vehicle to avoid collision accidents: their performance in emergencies, brake, acceleration and even driver comfort.

To find out if the manufacturer has recalled a car by security flaws, please contact the National Administration of Road Traffic Safety (in English). If a car has been demanded and is for selling again ask the dealer evidence that the fault has been corrected.
If your state requires, the vehicles must also carry a sticker showing that the safety inspection is in effect.

Replace used tires
Check for wear in the grooves of the tire. Although the legal border is 2/32 of an inch profound, consider changing the tire when it comes to 4/32 of an inch deep. That small difference in the groove can be a big difference when braking.
Buy the right size tires. Find out the size and type of tire recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Maintain proper pressure. If you keep your tires properly inflated will improve gas mileage and increase the life of your tires.
By: EsamPim


The insurance comparator for now focuses on US vehicles and

The insurance comparator for now focuses on US vehicles and

The world of the comparators is one of those to whom we do not give much interest until we really need to save some money on issues such as insurance, connections or any product you pay monthly and combined, can get out really profitable.
The insurance comparator for now focuses on US vehicles and
Competition is fierce and many comparator countries of all types have been sold at larger groups. Now Google wants to get into this world starting by comparing auto insurance in the US
The new system compares car insurance in California with 14 of the largest insurers. It is now a matter of where you live and what kind of car you have the type of insurance you can get.
Google gets directly into one of the businesses on the rise in recent years on the Internet. And they specialize in exactly that, get in the middle of a fairly used business and use their brand strength and results for another market that is giving a lot more money.

Travel and insurance results
Google acquired in 2010 ITA Software, the leader in managing purchases airline tickets online. Google became the controlling company will mediate between airlines and comparators.
We have recently seen as Google begins to show in their results many answers to typical questions, such as sports scores or currency changes. This type of results is carried viewing since 2012 when it introduced Knowledge Graph.

Now the new challenge for Google is to get right in between the comparators insurance, starting with vehicles where there is always an open price war and especially among the comparators that have a special war to offer the lowest prices.
Not much to companies product comparisons can do to prevent Google will do with this market. They have the money, have the dominant position and have the maneuverability to be the largest.
Arriving to compare other products such as telephone, electricity or safe is a matter of time.


The 5 key ways to buy a car

Buying a car is an important decision that involves a major investment, so it must be performed informed manner.

Mary Elizabeth Mendez, former Home Economics Guide | View-Domestic Economy
Buying a car is part of the ambition of many and represents a large majority of cases an act of borrowing rather than saving the fruit. In this regard, there are many alternatives in the market and also a lot of ability to pay. What set to make a smart purchase, free of abusive interest charges and exaggerated? That's part of what we try to clarify through important tips to support the purchase of your first car.

What car we buy: There is probably a difference between what we consider the car of our dreams and that really is the vehicle that we can buy, and to reach this decision need to consider the costs that the car will generate. It is important to understand that a car for private use is by no means an investment will always be an expense, expense because we decided to provide comfort.

Thus we have to consider the value of the car, its fuel efficiency, the value of spare parts, the value of insurance for a vehicle of this kind and also the cost of registration certificate, which have to pay each year and which fluctuates depending on the model, make and year.

New or Used: Logically a used car is more affordable than a new one if what you seek is the most economical alternative. However, it is important to assess whether the conditions of the car in question is actually deserving that price and if we are willing to pay that value. By opting for a used one, there will be more opportunities to trade and the important thing is to try to figure out how much is willing to lower or automotive business. Anyway, there is always the possibility of a rebate, and should not take the deal without even trying to get it.

Payment: Certainly the best method of payment is always cash, although most should opt for the credit and the important thing is to identify which institution offers the most convenient. Today the bank credit cards have attractive solutions for the purchase of vehicles, allowing the payment in 24 or more installments maintaining the counter value, which is one of the best alternatives on the market.

If we can not access that alternative should be considered loans offered by banks, which are likely to be more convenient than other financial institutions specializing in auto loans, which are often in agreement with the automakers. The key here is to list and finally assess how much will end up paying for our car.

Beware promotions: Probably Automotive offers us several additional products if we choose as an alternative to credit payment of some of the financial with which it has agreements. These benefits can be free patent, the first and even the second free review, alarm, reversing wheels gift, among other things sensor. In these cases, it is worth calculating the total amount of interest payable on the loan, versus the value of the "gifts" that offer, probably later this year promotions no longer seem so attractive.

Choose a safe: The first is to determine what kind of insurance we will, with or without a deductible. Obviously those without deductible are a bit more expensive because they cover all losses suffered by the car, from the smallest. However, it is considered a few other factors, such as the decision to lock in automotive - with the institution they suggest or secure it with another company that we ourselves seek. Given that's the best quote and get clear on the average value of insurance for our car, which depend on the make, model and year of the vehicle.

Another important recommendation is to hire the service to the insurance itself, and not through retail companies that sell insurance but are merely an intermediary between you and the institution that ensures, why the answer from a disaster it is usually slower and less efficient. While offer tempting rates, lower service quality.

Finally, the most important recommendation has to do with evaluating the decision, consider the expenses will mean a vehicle in our monthly budget, and those that will arise product of time. A car will always need maintenance, replacement of parts, etc.

Moreover, we must consider paying for parking, gasoline and tolls, among other things, and it is certainly necessary to consider these expenses in our financial planning to know if we are actually able to afford to buy a car, or if it is better wait.
By: EsamPim


Security measures for you

  • MAPFREAl park verifies that both doors and windows are closed.
  • When parking in the street or in the driveway turns the wheels toward the curb or edge of the wall; this will prevent the vehicle be towed.
  • Avoid hiding a set of spare keys inside the vehicle, as they can be located by thieves.
  • If you have a garage, use it and lock both the garage door as the vehicle.
  • Under no circumstances leave the vehicle ownership documents within it.
  • Never leave your car running, even if only for a moment.
  • Do not leave valuables in plain view, avoid the temptation to thieves.

It is suggested to bring en mica da copy of:
    1. Title or registration plates
    2. Policy number of your car
It also advises; keep the originals in a folder in the home or office, in an easily accessible place.

Copies of the documents can take your car in an envelope and bring them in the trunk under the spare wheel if you can.

Precautions when driving

  • Activate their flashing lights when stopped if the breakdown and raise the hood to indicate that the car suffers a breakdown. Place triangles phosphorescent at least 20 steps before his parked car when you have a breakdown.
  • In the rainy slow down and keep your distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  • Drive carefully, do not drive when you have consumed alcohol.
  • Today it is recommended not to drink any liquids while driving, be it coffee, water or soda because the simple fact of taking a can or bottle to his mouth while driving can cause a dangerous momentary distraction and increase the risk of an accident.
  • Plan ahead for outings freeways, avoiding changing lanes abruptly.
  • If you are taking the highway have your vehicle for a good operation of the brakes, tires, shocks, wipers and electrical system.
  • The seat belt is not a whim, you can save your life. No use causes fine in utmost countries, is no exemption.
  • learn that the great the speed, the added space is needed to brake in an emergency.
  • Obey all traffic signs. The octagonal signs always mean: No parking signs are round: Restrictive signs symbolize Diamond: Yield rectangular signals give information about: local traffic rules.
  • Always you turn the corresponding directional, 50 meters before turning a corner or changing lanes.
  • Only use emergency flashers and that abuse of these in street confuses other drivers increasing the risk of an accident.
  • When entering or leaving a roundabout, respect the preferences of movement.
  • Practice the courtesy to give way when crossing a street.
  • Before starting a long journey we recommend: every two hours of driving, park your vehicle in a safe place and rest for 5-10 minutes. During this break, take some liquid and do breathing exercises and relaxation. Also walk around to activate the movement of his limbs. Try to eat as light before traveling. The digestion of fatty foods forces the body to decrease the oxygenation of the brain causing drowsiness that reduces the ability to concentrate.
  • The optimal capacity of brake friction on a new car, and changing pads, begins after circulating the first 200 km. Before, we recommend more strongly stepping on the brake pedal.
  • The wear of the friction material depends on traffic conditions and driving style. In town, you should check the thickness of the friction material every 5,000 km.
  • Down a hill, we recommend placing the engine into gear lower speed. And the retention force of the motor is used without unnecessarily wearing the braking system, as the brake pedal is depressed with greater intervals.
  • When crossing water areas, heavy rain or after washing, the brake action may be delayed as they can be moistened or frozen (in winter) discs and friction material brake. Pedal operated often recommended to eliminate water waste and optimize the braking system.
  • Accustom their children to ride in the back of the car, using their seat belts.
  • Always follow the signs because it is a way of educating his example.
  • Avoid using the phone at the time to go driving. If you need to make a call, park.
  • Always carry in the glove compartment of his car, a Traffic Regulations in force.
  • Never allow a child to circulate in the arms of an adult. It is known that in a frontal crash at a minimum speed of 55 km / h, due to shock forces, the weight of a 6 kg. increases to 120 kg. This would increase the chances that the child will suffer serious injuries.
  • Before turning on the car engine, it should be noted that the driver's seat has a rearward inclination of 15-25 degrees to avoid back pain. The elbows should maintain a gentle angle to facilitate blood circulation. Position the top of the head to make it to eye level. Finally fits mirrors (interior and exterior) as these vary from position easily.
  • An optical language, as the traffic light, keep their effectiveness if all know and fully understand its symbolism: 1. 2. Follow Green Red Yellow Caution 3. High 4. Flashing yellow Preference circulation, but with caution.
  • Flashing with caution, but cede step Manual A good driver is not only driver who holds a license that certifies it as such. A driver has rights and duties known, respected and practiced.
  • Try not to dazzle another driver with highlights.
  • It makes signals to warn others what he will do.
  • Always secure the mechanical condition of your car.
  • He is always ready to provide the right of way to another car, a child on a bicycle or pedestrian.
  • Handles without attacking or pressuring others.
  • Do not drive too fast, it does not exceed cornering or going zigzagging among others.
  • It has good manners and occupies your lane on the highway.
  • Not interrupt traffic or parking in two rows in prohibited places.
  • Driving with all applicable permits.
  • Procure insurance against accidents and damage to third parties.


The best auto insurance companies 2014-2015

Choosing a better car insurance company is always a difficult task for the owners. Actually, many car owners have no interest in taking out insurance for their cars because they know the benefits of having a capable car insurance. You have peace of mind, once after taking insurance for their car. Even if the car meets an accident accidentally stole, so no need to worry if you have an insurance policy. There are many cases like this where the car is damaged or stolen or even fire.
Insurance will help you get the money to repair the car. Also, if the car is lost, the money will be paid by insurance company. Like this, there are many benefits to having an insurance policy for Car. But, I'm not here to discuss the best auto insurance companies in the world. Here I will list some of the most famous and most used car insurance companies in which you can invest your money without car insurance fear. Have a watch later.


Liberty Mutual Insurance is a world-renowned company. It is more commonly known as the home of the Liberty Mutual Insurance. It is located in. They have their business units in, , , , , etc.They received very positive reviews from his customers. There are about 50,000 employees working for Liberty Mutual currently.

They are very friendly and helpful to their customers pricing customers. Their minimum. Some also consider that this is the best car insurance company in the world. This policy is best for customers who pay regularly and are willing to have good service of society.

State Farm Insurance

This is an insurance company in the that has offices in. It was based in June 7.1922 and is one of the oldest insurance companies of the 44th United America. It ranked in the top 500 companies in the States. It States has about 66,000 employees serve the present. They policies for health, cars and houses.

The employer has a better staff to help you 24 / 7.They used for better and has good reviews from customers. Their premiums are too low.


Esurance or insurance services Inc is an insurance company based in the which was founded by Gary Charles Tolman revenues in June 1988.It was in 2012 almost billion Dollars. It has about 2,500 employees in 16 offices worldwide Esurance. It serves auto, home and health policies loans. It almost 9 Lakh already registered.

You will feel irritated go pay the insurance fee whole time. But, your website makes the online site simpler. Their makes you pay, policies easily change online in seconds.


Or GEICO Government Employees Insurance Company is an insurance company car. It is the second largest auto insurer in the around . it serves about 13 million cars and nearly € 12 million more holders. It policy was founded in 1936 and revenue is near $ 9 billion.

With approximately 25,000 employees working worldwide 24/7, this is the second of the world's largest companies. They auto insurance have excellent customer service, which made them have a good number of those who want to save money and clients. Para has good customer service; this is the best and preferred insurance company.


Allstate is the third largest auto insurance company in the. It also serves its operations. It was founded in 1931 by Thomas Wilson and has a turnover of US $ 32 billion in 2012.They serve services such as home insurance, car home, health insurance and banking services too. Its is in.

All employees have peace of heart and helpful. You can give your car to the service center without fear. They are fast too.

All these are the automobile insurance knew in the while Liberty Mutual has spread to several countries. These are the most famous and probably the best car insurance companies in 2014.Also by Please vote for your favorite insurance company so that other people find it easier to choose the best companies. Thanks up to read.

By: EsamPim