Smart car insurance telematics for good drivers

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The development of telematics systems has meant great advances in the field of security and response processes of road accidents. But also within the scope of the insurance industry, offering good conductors savings of up to 40 percent of their annual premiums. Download here elEconomista Insurance magazine.

From October 2015, all cars and vans made in the area of ​​the European Union incorporated in their equipment an emergency device or eCall device. Something that previously only happened in some high-end cars.

The eCall device recognizes through sensors that a crash has occurred and activates an emergency call at the time. This call is launched through the mobile phone network. In Spain, the DGT receive and filter the calls, and go after 112.

The device, launching an emergency call while sending a message called MSD, i.e., a minimum set of data as the exact position of the crashed car, sense of journey, vehicle model, etc.

The operator receiving the emergency call may contact the occupants from the vehicle and details. If the occupants could not speak, the information received will be the MSD. A fast and efficient system. The DGT estimates that, thanks to this emergency system, will be a reduction of around 5 percent of the number of deaths from road accidents, about 1,500 lives in Europe, and 6 percent for the severity of the injuries .

Telematics and insurance

The development of platforms and mobile networks enables telematics apply to everyday life. That is where the insurance companies have seen an ally to offer new products and services. In Spain, these policies are still novel when compared with the acceptance cone countries already have in the United States or Italy. In 2007, Mapfre began marketing this product, and few are the companies that have joined, as Generali Insurance and Zurich Insurance.

How does it work? You must install the telematics device in the vehicle. This does not imply a loss of vehicle warranty, or interfere with the operation of the engine, so it is one hundred percent safe and reliable, and the insurer itself is responsible for installation. From Mapfre highlight the great progress that these devices have experienced in the last seven years.

The device sends a series of data on driving habits. The insurer collects and analyzes: an hour in which -day or night-kilometers performed, drive mode, that is, the usual driving speed, if you drive more or less abruptly, etc. With these data, configure a driver profile and will apply some discounts that can reach 40 percent of what you would pay with a conventional policy.

Thanks to the Machine to Machine technology car device connects to a private cloud service that collects data with the complete privacy driver. According to Jorge Fernandez Santin, area director of Generali Insurance Auto, "the data is fully protected and is intended to adapt the premium to how and how much you use the vehicle, and to provide security services for both your vehicle and the driver and occupants." Juan Ramon Vendrell, Customer Area, Marketing and Distribution of Zurich Group in usa, adding that "the aim of this technology is not, in any case, to control."

Coverage and services

Customization is one of the greatest features of this insurance. During the first months of the contract premiums with the analysis of data collected Driving adapts to each driver are agreed. According to Santin, Generali Insurance, "this has led, given the fierce competition that characterizes the insurance market, that in recent years we live in a price war unprecedented in the business." Beyond there is an exceptional range of services that add value to these products.

The type of driver who is interested in this type of policy is a regular user of the latest advances in mobile technology: Smartphone, tablet, PC, apps, etc. Mapfre classifies a segment of active customers in the Internet search.

With the telematics system, the driver can access the same data as the insurer collected. And thanks to the geolocation the car is located at all times. Very useful in case of theft or to enjoy a roadside assistance 100 percent effective. The device will launch a SOS message in case of an accident. Like the call.

The big winners

Young people are the main beneficiaries. Being young does not mean being a bad driver. Clothes do not make the man, and, in this case, can be a good driver with 20 years and 55 bad drivers.

Along with younger drivers, the stakeholders in this type of policy is the parents who share the car with their children, who rarely use the car and walk a few kilometers-avoiding the temptation to move without the mandatory insurance, and of course , good drivers. In addition, some companies, such as Zurich Insurance, offer this type of insurance to companies with fleets of vehicles to get around.

This is insurance that is having some acceptance rates and very high loyalty. According to studies by Generali Seguros about their buyer, these technological advancement particularly valued as "the e-button, which activates emergency protocol and assistance in case of accident or other problem, pressing a button," or that "rewards responsible driving in the insurance bonus." And despite the payment is not considered a low-cost product as it provides guarantees and value-added services first class.
By: EsamPim