Password to choose a safe car

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Simulated crash tests help determine whether a car will protect you well for a real shock. The following organizations do simulated crash tests and give a grade to the Court:
Every year, the National Administration of Road Traffic Safety (English) tests for front and side crash protection and measures the vehicles offer their occupants. NHTSA (for its acronym in English) assesses protection mechanisms for each car as airbags and seatbelts. You can also call toll-free 1-888-327-4236 and press 2 to speak with a representative in Spanish.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (in English) performs a different test consisting of a frontal impact with side to assess the protection provided by the structure of the auto-scroll. You can also call 703-247-1500 to request a publication in Spanish.
Consumer Reports publishes an annual report that evaluates thoroughly the security of cars. The periodical gives a security appreciation that combines the results of the tests simulated the characteristics of the vehicle to avoid collision accidents: their performance in emergencies, brake, acceleration and even driver comfort.

To find out if the manufacturer has recalled a car by security flaws, please contact the National Administration of Road Traffic Safety (in English). If a car has been demanded and is for selling again ask the dealer evidence that the fault has been corrected.
If your state requires, the vehicles must also carry a sticker showing that the safety inspection is in effect.

Replace used tires
Check for wear in the grooves of the tire. Although the legal border is 2/32 of an inch profound, consider changing the tire when it comes to 4/32 of an inch deep. That small difference in the groove can be a big difference when braking.
Buy the right size tires. Find out the size and type of tire recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Maintain proper pressure. If you keep your tires properly inflated will improve gas mileage and increase the life of your tires.
By: EsamPim